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Corporate Governance

Legal Insights

When is a director liable for debts of the company?

Gordon Sewell, May 10 2024

We are often asked by shareholders and directors whether they can be made liable for the debts of their limited company. It is a long established pillar of English law that a limited company has its own legal identity. This means that each limited company is its own “person” separate to its directors and shareholders. A limited company can enter...

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Legal Insights

When is prejudice to a shareholder “unfair”?

Gordon Sewell, May 10 2024

You may have heard the term “unfair prejudice”. You may be involved in a dispute with a fellow shareholder where this term has been mentioned. So what does it mean and in what circumstances does it apply? The conduct concerned is usually any matter that the board of directors deal with. Examples of prejudicial conduct include allotting new...

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