Director Disqualification

Legal Insights

When is a director liable for debts of the company?

Gordon Sewell, May 10 2024

We are often asked by shareholders and directors whether they can be made liable for the debts of their limited company. It is a long established pillar of English law that a limited company has its own legal identity. This means that each limited company is its own “person” separate to its directors and shareholders. A limited company can enter...

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Legal Insights

As a director can I be prosecuted for health and safety failings in my company? Yes.

Gordon Sewell, May 10 2024

This can occur in circumstances where the offence in question has been committed with the consent or connivance of the individual or when the offence was attributable to any neglect on the part of the director or manager. In this situation, consent, connivance and neglect have the following

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